zondag 23 september 2007

Four-year-old boy stabbed to death.

On Sunday afternoon, a four-year-old boy has been stabbed to death in West Yorkshire. A fourteen-year-old girl has also been seriously injured. She was taken to Huddersfield Royal Infirmary. Two men were arrested on Sunday evening and are being held for interrogation. The local police believe the men are involved with the incident. The neighbourhood is in shock.

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/bradford/7009404.stm

GW: What's next?

When I read the news report, I was shocked. A four-year-old boy. An innocent, harmless little boy who is no match for an adult. In addition, why, please tell me why, do you want to kill a child? You must be a real sick person! I hope the one who is responsible for this horrible act is going to be caught and locked up forever!

Move over Spidey! Here comes Jesus!

US Retail giant Walmart is selling action figures toys based on the Bible. Samson, Noah and of course Jesus are all present. The toys are aimed at Christian parents who don’t want to buy Action Man, Batman, Spider-Man or a Barbie-doll for their children. The creator of the toys, David Socha, believes that the toys will be a great opportunity to bring back good values and morals. Usually, specialty Christian stores are selling them, but now the toys are entering the mainstream market. The biggest retailer in the world, Walmart, is testing the concept. When it turns out to be a success, the toys will be put on the shelves between the rest of the action figures.
For more information: http://www.one2believe.com/


GW: Oh my God!

One thing comes to mind: Oh my God! I think it’s a horrible idea. A Jesus action figure who is saying the words: ‘love God, with all of your heart, and with all of your soul and all of your mind’. Kids don’t have a choice but to listen to these phrases. This is pure brainwashing.
True, there are a lot of violent toys out there, but they do NOT represent Satan as David Socha claims in the interview that was held by the BBC. A toy should not carry a religious or Political message. Let the kids decide what purpose it has.

maandag 10 september 2007

Blundering Britney at MTV Awards, Rihanna and Justin Timberlake winners.

The long awaited comeback of the former queen of pop was not everything we hoped for. On the contrary, it was a painful experience. The opening-act of the MTV-awards performed her new single “Gimme more” badly on the stage: out-of-synch lip-synching, dancing with the lack of enthusiasm and inspiration, and a dreadful stripper costume. The release date for her new album is the 13th of November. However, after tonight, Jive Records could be considering the albumrelease. Rihanna was the star of the evening. She won the award ‘Best Video’ for her clip Umbrella that was a huge success across the world. Justin Timberlake won the award for ‘Best Male’ and ‘Most dangerous artist’, because he is a musical threat to other artist climbing the charts. ‘Best female-award’ went to Black Eyed Peas singer Fergie. Right now, she has a bit hit with her single ‘Big girls do not cry.


GW: Pop! Goes my head!

Why is it that almost every famous artist or star goes haywire? Britney shaved her hair a couple of months ago, Owen Wilson tried to commit suicide last week, Mozart drunk himself to death, Michael Hutchence (INXS) hang himself, and so on, and so on. Let us not forget the man who rebuilt himself entirely, ‘Wacko Jacko’ Michael Jackson. I think it is the enormous pressure from the outside world; you have no privacy at all. Even when you're walking the dog, pictures are taken and will be published in gossip magazines and on the Internet. You are being lived. If I am offered all the money in the world, I still do not want to be famous, because I am sure that I also will be shaving my head within' a month. So rest assure, you will never find my record in the music charts or movie in the theatres. I am too busy with my own life.

Parents Madeleine now suspects.

In the case of the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, the parents are now the primary suspects. Due to the lack of clues and evidence the police have, many people are questioning what really happened on May 3rd in Praia da Luz, Portugal. A couple of days ago both parents were questioned. On September 6th, the mother, Katie McCann, was interviewed as a witness in presence of her lawyer for over eleven hours. The next morning she was declared an official suspect, just like her husband Gerry McCann. The police also found traces of Madeleine’s blood in McCann’s’ car, hired 25 days after she vanished. The couple had now returned to Britain, their homeland. They can be called back to Portugal in five days.

GW: Guilty or innocent?

I am not really sure what to think of the whole situation concerning the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. Are the parents involved? Did they murder their four-year-old daughter? I think it is a creepy story with a lot twists and turns. Imagine if the parents did kill her, what kind of life will they have, when the truth comes out, eventually? For a long time people all around the world sent their love to them. Now, the same people will despise them even more. So what can I say? I hope that one day we will know the truth, but God help the poor bastard(s) who are responsible for this dark deed.

donderdag 6 september 2007

UK OK takin' off!

Welcome to my very own Blog. Here you can read my opinion about the UK hot issues. More to come very soon.