maandag 10 september 2007

Blundering Britney at MTV Awards, Rihanna and Justin Timberlake winners.

The long awaited comeback of the former queen of pop was not everything we hoped for. On the contrary, it was a painful experience. The opening-act of the MTV-awards performed her new single “Gimme more” badly on the stage: out-of-synch lip-synching, dancing with the lack of enthusiasm and inspiration, and a dreadful stripper costume. The release date for her new album is the 13th of November. However, after tonight, Jive Records could be considering the albumrelease. Rihanna was the star of the evening. She won the award ‘Best Video’ for her clip Umbrella that was a huge success across the world. Justin Timberlake won the award for ‘Best Male’ and ‘Most dangerous artist’, because he is a musical threat to other artist climbing the charts. ‘Best female-award’ went to Black Eyed Peas singer Fergie. Right now, she has a bit hit with her single ‘Big girls do not cry.


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