maandag 10 september 2007

GW: Guilty or innocent?

I am not really sure what to think of the whole situation concerning the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. Are the parents involved? Did they murder their four-year-old daughter? I think it is a creepy story with a lot twists and turns. Imagine if the parents did kill her, what kind of life will they have, when the truth comes out, eventually? For a long time people all around the world sent their love to them. Now, the same people will despise them even more. So what can I say? I hope that one day we will know the truth, but God help the poor bastard(s) who are responsible for this dark deed.

1 opmerking:

rolfdejoode zei

I do not understand this story. I wrote about this on my own blog also and find it a very strange story. Why would parent leave their children evenings alone? Someone at the hotel said the little girl was crying every evening. And the next question that pops up in my mind is why they are looking for this publicity. Furthermore it is strange that there is found almost no evidence; in most cases they will find some evidence while searching with so much research workers. I wonder if there will be any clue in the following months.