maandag 10 september 2007

GW: Pop! Goes my head!

Why is it that almost every famous artist or star goes haywire? Britney shaved her hair a couple of months ago, Owen Wilson tried to commit suicide last week, Mozart drunk himself to death, Michael Hutchence (INXS) hang himself, and so on, and so on. Let us not forget the man who rebuilt himself entirely, ‘Wacko Jacko’ Michael Jackson. I think it is the enormous pressure from the outside world; you have no privacy at all. Even when you're walking the dog, pictures are taken and will be published in gossip magazines and on the Internet. You are being lived. If I am offered all the money in the world, I still do not want to be famous, because I am sure that I also will be shaving my head within' a month. So rest assure, you will never find my record in the music charts or movie in the theatres. I am too busy with my own life.

2 opmerkingen:

Otman zei

Famous artists have there difficulties with spending money, I think. Most of theme has drugs and alcohol problems. I blame the money and not the artists. The artists have so mush money that the can do every think the like. So after a wile the don’t care about here fans anymore.

rolfdejoode zei

It is always sad when a famous person goes down. In case of Britney you can maybe say that it is not very good for a little child to go from audition to audition. She didn’t have a normal youth and now she’s living a youth but again not a normal youth. She gets away from the responsibilities a mother has and makes a mess of her whole live. She can make the press quiet when she would perform very great again but she doesn’t. I am wondering if she will recover the next years.