zondag 23 september 2007

GW: Oh my God!

One thing comes to mind: Oh my God! I think it’s a horrible idea. A Jesus action figure who is saying the words: ‘love God, with all of your heart, and with all of your soul and all of your mind’. Kids don’t have a choice but to listen to these phrases. This is pure brainwashing.
True, there are a lot of violent toys out there, but they do NOT represent Satan as David Socha claims in the interview that was held by the BBC. A toy should not carry a religious or Political message. Let the kids decide what purpose it has.

1 opmerking:

rolfdejoode zei

In this case I agree fully with your commend. I find it very sick to make action figures like this. I know that America is a very sick country when talking about religion and things like that! It seems to get worse every year. I saw some documentaries about how the religious Americans think and act and I find it alarming. It seems that the world doesn’t see what is happening, which way they are on and that is even more alarming!