donderdag 18 oktober 2007

Roisin Murphy launches new album.

She is best known as the singer of Moloko, an Anglo-Irish electronic/pop band that had several major hits in the late-‘90’s, like ‘Sing it back, The Time is Now, Familiar feeling’ and ‘Forever More’. Roisin Murphy launched a couple of years ago her solo career. Although her first album did not sell very well, her new album ‘Overpowered’, released on October 15th, is a promising new start, according to reviews in several newspapers and music magazines. Artists such as D-Train, Rene & Angela, Robert Palmer and Mantronix influenced the album. Roisin’s first single, the album title track, ‘Overpowered’ did quiet well in the music charts. Her new single, ‘Let me know’, produced by dance-icons Groove Armada, will probably push her album to the top of the charts.


GW: Veni Vidi Vici!

Four years ago, I went to a concert of Moloko in Amsterdam. Talk about charisma. Roisin Murphy IS charisma. She blew us all away. I fell in love that night. She wears the weirdest clothes, she makes awkward music, and she acts completely nuts. The best part is, she doens't give a damn!! Just watch her last two clips on YouTube. ‘Overpowered’ is wonderful, but ‘Let me know’ is beyond measure! The best song of the year! When I saw it, I fell in love all over again. She will perform on November 22nd at Paradiso, Amsterdam.
I will be there. Being overpowered!

Clip 'Let me know' on YouTube (best song of 2007!!)
Clip 'Overpowered' on YouTube

Drogba wants to quit Chelsea.

Didier Drogba, one of the most successful football players in the world today, wants to leave football club Chelsea. The departure of former coach Jose Mourinho, last month, is the main reason of Drogba’s decision. The 29-year-old striker was in tears when his coach said goodbye to the team. “Something is broken with Chelsea”, Drogbe said. “The damage has been big in the dressing room because we know now what happened and who caused Mourinho's departure. Nothing can stop me from leaving now.” Drogba also said that he has reached a certain stage where he feels he has nothing to prove anymore. He does not know yet what his next club will be. He prefers to play at Real Madrid, FC Barcelona, or Inter Milan. He is also considering returning to Marseille, where he started his success career. Although the new Chelsea coach Avram Grant insisted the team are united behind him, dark clouds appear in the form of unrest amongst the players for several weeks now.


GW: The coach is the key.

This is another example that proves coaches are one of the most important key players in football. I am a big Louis van Gaal fan. Although, many people hate him (while they even don’t know him) I simply love the guy. I am following his career ever since his extremely successful period at Ajax (1992-1996). He won the UEFA Champions League in 1995 and the World Cup in 1996. When he became coach in Barcelona, many players followed him to Spain, because they are crazy about him. Just like Drogba loves Jose Mourinho. Do you know whose Mourhino role model is? You guessed right: Louis van Gaal.

donderdag 11 oktober 2007

Photographers took pics of a dying Diana.

New evidence has shown up in research of Princes Diana’s death. Witnesses of the crash saw photographers climbing on Diana’s and her friend Dodi Fayed’s Mercedes and taking pictures, instead of trying to get the fatally wounded couple out of the wreckage. Two of the witnesses, Antonio Lopes-Borges and his friend Ana Simão, said that they clearly could see two photographers were on the car, not attempting to help the people in the car. Young people, arriving from the other lane, climbed on the car. They were trying to open the doors. When a man told Antonio and Ana to get back, because there could be an explosion, they wondered if they were witnessing a terrorist attack. There is still no convincing evidence about the mysterious white car that could be involved in the crash.

GW: Somebody has to shoot a picture?

I felt depressed when I read this article. Come on dear photographers of the world. Where are your manners? When did you put your principles in the trashcan? Is it all worth it? Shooting the perfect picture, top selling gossip magazines, making a lot of money? Dear photographers, where is your pride? You should be ashamed of yourself of supporting this horrible act. I believe that you are nothing but a bunch of opportunistic vultures circling over a helpless dying victim, hoping to get lucky. You make me sick. Bah!

18-year-old Craig Ramshaw not guilty.

After passing a test, the jury of Cardiff Crown Court did not find Craig Ramshaw guilty of killing four of his friends. They did find him guilty of careless driving resulting in being banned for two years of driving. On 2 November 2006, Craig was driving along with four of his female friends in the backseat, when he lost control of the car and it flipped over. He survived, but Danielle Caswell, Katie Roberts, Louise Jones and Kayleigh Perry died instantly. Craig has always claimed that he did not drive reckless. Judge Nicolas Cook QC told him: “human life is priceless and I feel it would be interpreted as an insult to the memory of the four girls if I imposed a financial penalty on you. As a result of your careless driving, four young lives have been lost and four families will never be the same again. You will have to bear responsibility for that for the rest of your life and that is a terrible burden."