donderdag 11 oktober 2007

18-year-old Craig Ramshaw not guilty.

After passing a test, the jury of Cardiff Crown Court did not find Craig Ramshaw guilty of killing four of his friends. They did find him guilty of careless driving resulting in being banned for two years of driving. On 2 November 2006, Craig was driving along with four of his female friends in the backseat, when he lost control of the car and it flipped over. He survived, but Danielle Caswell, Katie Roberts, Louise Jones and Kayleigh Perry died instantly. Craig has always claimed that he did not drive reckless. Judge Nicolas Cook QC told him: “human life is priceless and I feel it would be interpreted as an insult to the memory of the four girls if I imposed a financial penalty on you. As a result of your careless driving, four young lives have been lost and four families will never be the same again. You will have to bear responsibility for that for the rest of your life and that is a terrible burden."

2 opmerkingen:

rolfdejoode zei

Young guys like Craig can’t have enough responsibility, they think they can do everything and over-estimate themselves. But in this case it is the drivers’ responsibility to drive safe. The little girls won’t ask him to drive slower. In situation like this there is always the attitude problem, the driver things he had to show off for the girls, which is perhaps not true, but the girls won’t say anything because they won’t be a timorous girl. I agree with the judge about the fact that human live is priceless and thing he was right when he did not give Craig a fine.

kamal zei

Dear Godert, Don’t think on that way, because you don’t know presiesly of he was driving like a madman. So it your idea about them. I want say also noboady know how we think and live in this world. It should be an accident instead a reason. Everything should be happened without reasons.