zondag 7 oktober 2007

Golden Brown.

Conservatives leader David Cameron is accusing Prime Minister Gordon Brown of not being fair to the English people in not calling a snap election. Cameron thinks that Brown is not holding an election because he is afraid of losing it. The Labour Party has also promised that Tony Blair would serve the full term and then would be there an election.
The Labour leader told the BBC this weekend that he wants to show Britain his vision. “To show the people the policies that are going to make a huge difference and make a change in the whole country itself.”
Housing, health and education are number one on his agenda. According to a poll published by Sunday News of the World suggests the Conservatives would lead with 6% in marginal seats, with the party overall at 44% against Labour 38%. Translated into a generic election, Labour would have 306 seats and the Conservatives 246. Another poll, carried out by the Sunday Times, suggested the Conservatives would lead with three points.

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politics/7032192.stm

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