maandag 1 oktober 2007

GW: Sh#t for brains!

I think it is dangerous that our brains could decide to become an addict. However, when you come to think of it, the outcome of this research is not really a big surprise. Our brains decide a lot, just as the rest of our body does. The human body encounters different matters, accepts or rejects them. The brain is no different. I have never been addicted (except for collecting records), and I have never taken a draft on a cigarette - I intent to keep it that way -, so I cannot really judge it. However, I can imagine how the brain could react.

1 opmerking:

rolfdejoode zei

It is true that our brain decides all kind of thing for us. It is a discussion going on for a very long time if there is even a thing like ‘me’. Science has given us the information that our brain decides something whereupon it informs the conscience, so actually ‘we’ cannot decide something, our brain decides something. I myself have had several addictions in my live and I know the brain is very powerful. When it is programmed for wanting something it is very difficult to stay strong. When you have had an addiction there will be always that little voice in the back of your head giving you instructions what to do.