donderdag 11 oktober 2007

Photographers took pics of a dying Diana.

New evidence has shown up in research of Princes Diana’s death. Witnesses of the crash saw photographers climbing on Diana’s and her friend Dodi Fayed’s Mercedes and taking pictures, instead of trying to get the fatally wounded couple out of the wreckage. Two of the witnesses, Antonio Lopes-Borges and his friend Ana Simão, said that they clearly could see two photographers were on the car, not attempting to help the people in the car. Young people, arriving from the other lane, climbed on the car. They were trying to open the doors. When a man told Antonio and Ana to get back, because there could be an explosion, they wondered if they were witnessing a terrorist attack. There is still no convincing evidence about the mysterious white car that could be involved in the crash.

2 opmerkingen:

rolfdejoode zei

I agree with you on the fact that it is at least remarkable how some people act in a situation like this. I think they have not principles at all. I can’t believe that you will take pictures of somebody dying instead of helping. You blame the photographers and I can understand that, but why do they have a job? I think that is a question that can be asked too. When you read an article like this most people will find it disgusting, but the photographers still have work. I think you can see it also from a different angle. When nobody has any interest in this gossip magazines there will not be any job for photographers like in this situation.

kamal zei

Hi, Godert, i am not agree with you about the photographers, because the hotographers can’t be everywhere when we need them, so don’t belame them, and you everyone in this world want stay living and breathing. If there is a danger, nobody goes there.
I hope you understand me good.