zondag 7 oktober 2007

GW: Let us wait and see, shall we?

I am not sure what to think of this because I have not really paid a lot of attention to the new Prime Minister. What I do know and like is that he decided not be a puppet of the United States like the former Prime Minister, Tony Blair, was. I say, give this guy time to prove himself. Let us see what he has in store for us. If his plans do not work out, then an election will be an excellent way of changing the guard. However, for now, let us wait and give Mr. Brown the benefit of the doubt.

1 opmerking:

rolfdejoode zei

I agree with you in this case. Give the man some time to prove his is the right man for the job. You can hold elections over en over again but everyone makes mistakes and I think people have to look with a clear view to their leaders, instead of crying out every thought that pops up in their little mind. And the second point you mentioned is also a very important one. I hope there will be leaders in the world’s countries who don’t want to do everything the very narrow minded America wants them to do.