donderdag 18 oktober 2007

Roisin Murphy launches new album.

She is best known as the singer of Moloko, an Anglo-Irish electronic/pop band that had several major hits in the late-‘90’s, like ‘Sing it back, The Time is Now, Familiar feeling’ and ‘Forever More’. Roisin Murphy launched a couple of years ago her solo career. Although her first album did not sell very well, her new album ‘Overpowered’, released on October 15th, is a promising new start, according to reviews in several newspapers and music magazines. Artists such as D-Train, Rene & Angela, Robert Palmer and Mantronix influenced the album. Roisin’s first single, the album title track, ‘Overpowered’ did quiet well in the music charts. Her new single, ‘Let me know’, produced by dance-icons Groove Armada, will probably push her album to the top of the charts.


GW: Veni Vidi Vici!

Four years ago, I went to a concert of Moloko in Amsterdam. Talk about charisma. Roisin Murphy IS charisma. She blew us all away. I fell in love that night. She wears the weirdest clothes, she makes awkward music, and she acts completely nuts. The best part is, she doens't give a damn!! Just watch her last two clips on YouTube. ‘Overpowered’ is wonderful, but ‘Let me know’ is beyond measure! The best song of the year! When I saw it, I fell in love all over again. She will perform on November 22nd at Paradiso, Amsterdam.
I will be there. Being overpowered!

Clip 'Let me know' on YouTube (best song of 2007!!)
Clip 'Overpowered' on YouTube

Drogba wants to quit Chelsea.

Didier Drogba, one of the most successful football players in the world today, wants to leave football club Chelsea. The departure of former coach Jose Mourinho, last month, is the main reason of Drogba’s decision. The 29-year-old striker was in tears when his coach said goodbye to the team. “Something is broken with Chelsea”, Drogbe said. “The damage has been big in the dressing room because we know now what happened and who caused Mourinho's departure. Nothing can stop me from leaving now.” Drogba also said that he has reached a certain stage where he feels he has nothing to prove anymore. He does not know yet what his next club will be. He prefers to play at Real Madrid, FC Barcelona, or Inter Milan. He is also considering returning to Marseille, where he started his success career. Although the new Chelsea coach Avram Grant insisted the team are united behind him, dark clouds appear in the form of unrest amongst the players for several weeks now.


GW: The coach is the key.

This is another example that proves coaches are one of the most important key players in football. I am a big Louis van Gaal fan. Although, many people hate him (while they even don’t know him) I simply love the guy. I am following his career ever since his extremely successful period at Ajax (1992-1996). He won the UEFA Champions League in 1995 and the World Cup in 1996. When he became coach in Barcelona, many players followed him to Spain, because they are crazy about him. Just like Drogba loves Jose Mourinho. Do you know whose Mourhino role model is? You guessed right: Louis van Gaal.

donderdag 11 oktober 2007

Photographers took pics of a dying Diana.

New evidence has shown up in research of Princes Diana’s death. Witnesses of the crash saw photographers climbing on Diana’s and her friend Dodi Fayed’s Mercedes and taking pictures, instead of trying to get the fatally wounded couple out of the wreckage. Two of the witnesses, Antonio Lopes-Borges and his friend Ana Simão, said that they clearly could see two photographers were on the car, not attempting to help the people in the car. Young people, arriving from the other lane, climbed on the car. They were trying to open the doors. When a man told Antonio and Ana to get back, because there could be an explosion, they wondered if they were witnessing a terrorist attack. There is still no convincing evidence about the mysterious white car that could be involved in the crash.

GW: Somebody has to shoot a picture?

I felt depressed when I read this article. Come on dear photographers of the world. Where are your manners? When did you put your principles in the trashcan? Is it all worth it? Shooting the perfect picture, top selling gossip magazines, making a lot of money? Dear photographers, where is your pride? You should be ashamed of yourself of supporting this horrible act. I believe that you are nothing but a bunch of opportunistic vultures circling over a helpless dying victim, hoping to get lucky. You make me sick. Bah!

18-year-old Craig Ramshaw not guilty.

After passing a test, the jury of Cardiff Crown Court did not find Craig Ramshaw guilty of killing four of his friends. They did find him guilty of careless driving resulting in being banned for two years of driving. On 2 November 2006, Craig was driving along with four of his female friends in the backseat, when he lost control of the car and it flipped over. He survived, but Danielle Caswell, Katie Roberts, Louise Jones and Kayleigh Perry died instantly. Craig has always claimed that he did not drive reckless. Judge Nicolas Cook QC told him: “human life is priceless and I feel it would be interpreted as an insult to the memory of the four girls if I imposed a financial penalty on you. As a result of your careless driving, four young lives have been lost and four families will never be the same again. You will have to bear responsibility for that for the rest of your life and that is a terrible burden."

GW: Life is over...

Not only the lives of the four girls has ended abruptly, but also the life of Craig. Like the judge said: “you will have to bear responsibility for that for the rest of your life and that is a terrible burden." Although Craig claimed he did not drive reckless, I do not really believe him. I have seen many young boys driving like a madman. Especially to impress girls. The faster, the better. Who do a lot of people always want to prove themselves to show the world how tough they are? Back on topic. I also feel sorry for him, because he carries this horrible act with him for the rest of his life. I hope he is strong enough to deal with it.

zondag 7 oktober 2007

Batsy is coming to the UK!

Batman is coming to Bedfordshire. In the summer of 2008, the new Batman movie 'The Dark Knight' is hitting theatres worldwide. Director Christopher Nolan is not only shooting his picture in Chicago, but also in Bedfordshire, at the Carrington air ship sheds. It will use for a chase with the famous Bat mobile. The most recent Batman Movie ‘Batman Begins’ was also partly shot at Carrington. Christian Bale will put on the Batman suit, while Heath Ledger is playing the most famous villain in the rich Batman mythology, The Joker. Other actors starring in the new movie are Michael Cane as Alfred Pennyworth, Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox, Gary Oldman as Lt. James Gordon, and Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent, who will eventually become the villain Two Face.


The most anticipated movie in 2008! Yes! Yes! Yes! I was thrilled when I saw ‘Batman Begins’! Finally, a Batman movie that shows how Batman is supposed to be: a dark, Bruce Wayne, filled with anger, who wants to avenge his parents' death by protecting the innocent citizens of Gotham City against bad guys. The first two Batman movies, by Tim Burton, were ok, but the other two were a disaster. If you want to watch the most perfect Batman, please watch the Animated Series, which is a brilliant cartoon with a powerful storyline. The stories of Mr. Freeze are so emotional that it really catches you by the throat. The episodes with the Joker, performed by Mark ‘Luke Skywalker’ Hamill are brilliant! He IS The Joker, no doubt about it! I am looking forward to see Heath Ledger play this psychotic maniac. The first signs (check the teaser on YouTube) are good!

Batman, The Animated Series - Mr. Freeze on YouTube
Batman, The Animated Series - The Joker on YouTube
The Dark Knight Teaser on YouTube

Golden Brown.

Conservatives leader David Cameron is accusing Prime Minister Gordon Brown of not being fair to the English people in not calling a snap election. Cameron thinks that Brown is not holding an election because he is afraid of losing it. The Labour Party has also promised that Tony Blair would serve the full term and then would be there an election.
The Labour leader told the BBC this weekend that he wants to show Britain his vision. “To show the people the policies that are going to make a huge difference and make a change in the whole country itself.”
Housing, health and education are number one on his agenda. According to a poll published by Sunday News of the World suggests the Conservatives would lead with 6% in marginal seats, with the party overall at 44% against Labour 38%. Translated into a generic election, Labour would have 306 seats and the Conservatives 246. Another poll, carried out by the Sunday Times, suggested the Conservatives would lead with three points.


GW: Let us wait and see, shall we?

I am not sure what to think of this because I have not really paid a lot of attention to the new Prime Minister. What I do know and like is that he decided not be a puppet of the United States like the former Prime Minister, Tony Blair, was. I say, give this guy time to prove himself. Let us see what he has in store for us. If his plans do not work out, then an election will be an excellent way of changing the guard. However, for now, let us wait and give Mr. Brown the benefit of the doubt.

maandag 1 oktober 2007

Dress to success: The Lost Collection.

Marilyn Monroe’s dresses will be on display at the Hilton Hotel in Brighton after being locked up for over forty years. When the all-time number one sexbomb died in 1962, the designer of her dresses, William Travilla, vowed to protect her memory. Therefore, he put them away in his own house. Travilla died in 1990. He left “The Lost Collection” to his partner Bill Saris who decided to show them for the first time in history (including the famous white halter-neck) to the public. His goal is to raise money for Alzheimer charities.

GW: A beautiful myth.

Hooray! Although I am not really into clothing and stuff, I think it is marvellous chance to re-remember Marilyn Monroe and to cherish the symbol and myth she has become. Would there have been a Pamela Anderson or Madonna in this world today without Marilyn (I prefer Norma Jean though)? Let’s face it: she changed the world. She was the first, perhaps even the last. I am fond of her, and I am certain of the fact that Marilyn will always be remembered.

Brain decides if you become an addict.

The response of the human brain determines if someone could become addicted to smoking after taking his or her first drag on a cigarette. Researchers at the University of Massachusetts based their findings over 12,000 interviews with 1246 high school students over four years.
Which people would try smoking was determined with personality factor, like stress for example, but the brain’s reaction to the nicotine was the most important. One-third of 217 teenagers that were questioned said they felt relaxed after smoking a cigarette for the first time. Two-third of them became addicted. The outcome of the research is presented on the same day of legislation making it illegal for anyone less than 18 years to buy tobacco in England, Scotland and Wales.

GW: Sh#t for brains!

I think it is dangerous that our brains could decide to become an addict. However, when you come to think of it, the outcome of this research is not really a big surprise. Our brains decide a lot, just as the rest of our body does. The human body encounters different matters, accepts or rejects them. The brain is no different. I have never been addicted (except for collecting records), and I have never taken a draft on a cigarette - I intent to keep it that way -, so I cannot really judge it. However, I can imagine how the brain could react.

zondag 23 september 2007

Four-year-old boy stabbed to death.

On Sunday afternoon, a four-year-old boy has been stabbed to death in West Yorkshire. A fourteen-year-old girl has also been seriously injured. She was taken to Huddersfield Royal Infirmary. Two men were arrested on Sunday evening and are being held for interrogation. The local police believe the men are involved with the incident. The neighbourhood is in shock.


GW: What's next?

When I read the news report, I was shocked. A four-year-old boy. An innocent, harmless little boy who is no match for an adult. In addition, why, please tell me why, do you want to kill a child? You must be a real sick person! I hope the one who is responsible for this horrible act is going to be caught and locked up forever!

Move over Spidey! Here comes Jesus!

US Retail giant Walmart is selling action figures toys based on the Bible. Samson, Noah and of course Jesus are all present. The toys are aimed at Christian parents who don’t want to buy Action Man, Batman, Spider-Man or a Barbie-doll for their children. The creator of the toys, David Socha, believes that the toys will be a great opportunity to bring back good values and morals. Usually, specialty Christian stores are selling them, but now the toys are entering the mainstream market. The biggest retailer in the world, Walmart, is testing the concept. When it turns out to be a success, the toys will be put on the shelves between the rest of the action figures.
For more information:


GW: Oh my God!

One thing comes to mind: Oh my God! I think it’s a horrible idea. A Jesus action figure who is saying the words: ‘love God, with all of your heart, and with all of your soul and all of your mind’. Kids don’t have a choice but to listen to these phrases. This is pure brainwashing.
True, there are a lot of violent toys out there, but they do NOT represent Satan as David Socha claims in the interview that was held by the BBC. A toy should not carry a religious or Political message. Let the kids decide what purpose it has.

maandag 10 september 2007

Blundering Britney at MTV Awards, Rihanna and Justin Timberlake winners.

The long awaited comeback of the former queen of pop was not everything we hoped for. On the contrary, it was a painful experience. The opening-act of the MTV-awards performed her new single “Gimme more” badly on the stage: out-of-synch lip-synching, dancing with the lack of enthusiasm and inspiration, and a dreadful stripper costume. The release date for her new album is the 13th of November. However, after tonight, Jive Records could be considering the albumrelease. Rihanna was the star of the evening. She won the award ‘Best Video’ for her clip Umbrella that was a huge success across the world. Justin Timberlake won the award for ‘Best Male’ and ‘Most dangerous artist’, because he is a musical threat to other artist climbing the charts. ‘Best female-award’ went to Black Eyed Peas singer Fergie. Right now, she has a bit hit with her single ‘Big girls do not cry.


GW: Pop! Goes my head!

Why is it that almost every famous artist or star goes haywire? Britney shaved her hair a couple of months ago, Owen Wilson tried to commit suicide last week, Mozart drunk himself to death, Michael Hutchence (INXS) hang himself, and so on, and so on. Let us not forget the man who rebuilt himself entirely, ‘Wacko Jacko’ Michael Jackson. I think it is the enormous pressure from the outside world; you have no privacy at all. Even when you're walking the dog, pictures are taken and will be published in gossip magazines and on the Internet. You are being lived. If I am offered all the money in the world, I still do not want to be famous, because I am sure that I also will be shaving my head within' a month. So rest assure, you will never find my record in the music charts or movie in the theatres. I am too busy with my own life.

Parents Madeleine now suspects.

In the case of the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, the parents are now the primary suspects. Due to the lack of clues and evidence the police have, many people are questioning what really happened on May 3rd in Praia da Luz, Portugal. A couple of days ago both parents were questioned. On September 6th, the mother, Katie McCann, was interviewed as a witness in presence of her lawyer for over eleven hours. The next morning she was declared an official suspect, just like her husband Gerry McCann. The police also found traces of Madeleine’s blood in McCann’s’ car, hired 25 days after she vanished. The couple had now returned to Britain, their homeland. They can be called back to Portugal in five days.

GW: Guilty or innocent?

I am not really sure what to think of the whole situation concerning the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. Are the parents involved? Did they murder their four-year-old daughter? I think it is a creepy story with a lot twists and turns. Imagine if the parents did kill her, what kind of life will they have, when the truth comes out, eventually? For a long time people all around the world sent their love to them. Now, the same people will despise them even more. So what can I say? I hope that one day we will know the truth, but God help the poor bastard(s) who are responsible for this dark deed.

donderdag 6 september 2007

UK OK takin' off!

Welcome to my very own Blog. Here you can read my opinion about the UK hot issues. More to come very soon.